May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face, and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of His hand.
-Irish Blessing

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Six Weeks

Yesterday was six weeks. Six weeks since I held my son, six weeks since I kissed his little cheeks goodbye. Appropriately it was also my six week checkup. The visit where I should have taken my little boy to show off to all the nurses and my doctor. Instead we talked about how much harder it is to lose baby weight without breastfeeding. We talked about autopsy reports and chromosomal analyses. We looked at my scar and commented how quickly and easily I heal. Nonetheless, my doctor told me she'd like me to wait six months before trying to conceive so there would be enough time between c-sections. She told me to come back when needed. I asked if there was anything we should do before trying to conceive. She laughed and told me that I know the drill. It somehow felt incomplete, like I'm a special situation and should be doing something different than everyone else in the world who is trying to have a baby. Funny that it should be put so simply, just get pregnant and give me a call. Sadly that is all we can really do. Get pregnant and hope for the best. We've lived through the worst, the best and the worst again. I say this time we've earned the best but we'll have to wait and see.


  1. I remember my post-partum appointment. I cried almost the whole time. I am praying for you. I also wanted to let you know that I awarded you a blog award. I hope it gives you a small smile today. I am glad to have "met" you, though it wish it was under different circumstances.

  2. I'm so sorry for your losses. 6 months must seem like an eternity, I remember hoping my own doctor would tell me I didn't need to wait (which she didn't, she gave me the go ahead at 6 weeks post partum). But, here I am nearly 4 months post-birth, decidedly not pregnant. In all truth, it's gone pretty quickly, though I obviously hope I'm pregnant soon.

    I hope the next 6 months fly by for you.

    BTW, the simplicity of, "call me when you're pregnant" is annoying, huh?

  3. Hoping for the best along with you and your family. Hoping that the coming weeks and months are as peaceful and gentle as they possibly can be, and hoping that today was as peaceful as it could have been for you.



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