May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face, and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of His hand.
-Irish Blessing

Monday, June 6, 2011

Happy Birthday Wyatt

Yesterday was a lovely day for a birthday.
The sun shone high above, the breeze was ever present and we enjoyed a picnic lunch at Wyatt's grave. I joked to my husband that Wyatt now grows his own flowers so we no longer have to buy them on his birthday. Blooming now in his garden are tons of purple irises (visible at the left edge of the picture here) and jacob's ladder which we are able to cut and take to his grave each year.
I also was able to dig up some johnny jump ups to transplant at the grave as well. While I got my hands dirty the girls squealed and chased bubbles. We sent three balloons to Wyatt and likely started a helicopter pilot that happened by at the exact same time! We came home and I set to work in Wyatt's garden, trimming mini roses a little more and pulling the many self seeded california poppies, johnny jump ups and forget-me-nots that freely roam about his garden. No tears were shed until exhausted, I crawled into bed last night. It was a good day.


  1. I was wondering a few things about this...I would love to find people to talk to and ask questions the drs have given me no info really except what the outcome will be we found out the baby had BRA at 18 wks and I am now 22 wks

  2. I found people to talk to through a few different places, one is and the other These forums are about potters syndrome only and a great source of support from people who have carried potter's babies and in some cases people who are carrying potters babies.

    I will also answer any questions you may have, unfortunately I am all too familiar with BRA. My email is You are also welcome to read Wyatt and Eli's stories as linked at the top of my blog. These are shorter synopses of my pregnancy and birth with Wyatt and Eli's birth. I have chronicled my pregnancy with Eli since finding out his diagnosis from the beginning of the blog to his birth in March.

    Let me know if you're looking for anything specific. Also, look at my link at the top Preparations which is a list of things we did prior to the boys' births.

    Take care, it is so hard to be facing this.

  3. So glad his birthday was peaceful for you.



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