May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face, and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of His hand.
-Irish Blessing

Friday, July 1, 2011

Just When I Thought Things Are Better

I went shopping. It could have just been an off day, or me not sleeping well lately or perhaps the two pregnant women wandering the toy aisles. Even I could ace this multiple choice question despite my tendency to excel at essays instead. My daughters wanted fairy wings. They were not picky but I was. It is important that they be plain and cheap so that I have an inexpensive project for them to decorate with our multitude of craft supplies which ideally will give me at least one full hour of peace and busyness. What I found instead were two pregnant women wandering the aisles with their children. Inside I panicked. I moved faster and looked closer at the shelving. Anything to just find those wings and leave. Of course, there were no wings and we only discovered that after thoroughly inspecting each and every aisle, including the ones in which these particular women happened to be. That was over four hours ago and it has yet to leave my mind. This reaction is further complicated because I have my three little girls alongside and I know so many families have so much less.

How is it that I can feel so affronted by a pregnant woman? I cannot think of anything else. I'd like to think there is some useful lesson to take away from today's shopping trip which has completely derailed my day. Maybe I should plan ahead to see pregnant women so that I can be more steely and less surprised. Perhaps I should just do all my shopping online so I don't have to know that they're out there. Lucky me, I don't believe in the "everything happens for a reason" thinking so I am just going to try harder to chuck this experience out the window and wipe the slate clean for today.

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