May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face, and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of His hand.
-Irish Blessing

Friday, April 1, 2011

Stumped by 57 Down

Since our youngest daughter's birth my husband and I have done crosswords together. My husband has always been good but I started off pathetic. Pathetic even after completing four years of college and three years of graduate school and being a communications major! Thankfully that was then and this is now. We are now up to doing the New York Times Sunday puzzles (with no to minimal cheating). We began a new puzzle this week. 57 Down has me stumped. It reads: 57. Sad. All I need is a five letter word for sad and I am STUMPED. Seriously? I can't even come up with another word for sad. I just sit and look at the word - sad. It should be so simple. I probably feel a million emotions which are synonyms for sad right now and yet words fail me. Actually, it pisses me off. Seeing that word. All I think is, "Sad, yes so very sad." Perhaps sad is the perfect word.


  1. I just read online that someone tried doing their crossword puzzle today and they paper tried to trick them for April fools. Both April and Fools have 5 words. Idk if this helps any, but your paper may be trying to trick you.

  2. Grief, but sad is the perfect word.

  3. Does sadly work?
    hope it helps-

  4. I don't know if my comment posted or not, maybe you deleted it. Did you find out what the answer was?

  5. Grief doesn't seem like it will fit and it is an older puzzle, was not published on April Fool's, sadly might work I'll have to check that one out - thanks for the suggestions though, I'm still stumped. I just don't want to have to cheat on this word. -Mandy

  6. I can't think of another 5 letter word. I think you are right, sad is the perfect word. Those three letters say so much.

  7. I have had many moments like this. We lost our daughter on Halloween 2009. During the Christmas season I remember seeing a woman from our church in her car. (Her husband had died a few weeks before). I remember thinking about how sad she looked. It was written all over her face. I had so much compassion for her. I felt for her. I cried for her loss. There are many words for "sad", but none of the words do the feeling any justice when you've lost a child. I can't imagine losing two of them.

    I'm so very sorry that you have to walk this path again. I can't imagine how much harder it is to walk with 3 little girls watching how you react to grief. You are in my thoughts and prayers daily since I heard about your losses.


  8. Teary. I finally tired of staring at that word and could not get any of the surrounding words either. -Mandy



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