May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face, and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of His hand.
-Irish Blessing

Monday, January 3, 2011

The Holiday Letdown

Today, I am exhausted, through and through to every fiber of my being.  The baby, on the other hand, must have really enjoyed all the holiday goodies, because I swear it is now blessed with super strength.  Last night for the first time my husband was able to feel baby's movements.  Baby has been sitting so low in my belly that most movements are well below the belt.  But last night he/she was able to wriggle and arm or leg into my upper belly and really go at it.  It was so bittersweet for me because he's always been able to feel it much much sooner, I am 27 weeks now.  However, I am glad that someone finally got to feel this little one besides me, I know his or her sisters are chomping at the bit, especially the oldest, to feel this little one as well.  So I wish baby much strength and hopefully some movement advantage from a much occupied uterus in the absence of fluid.  Twenty seven weeks means I have ten or less to go.  My doctor will schedule a c-section for around 36/37 weeks.  It is hard to believe that I have made it eight weeks  already and have barely over that to go.  These eight weeks have been so long, yet in retrospect, not long enough if that makes sense.  I am glad to have gotten through the holidays and to have seen my family while I still have some semblance of myself left.  Surely the next time they see me I will be destroyed and but a shell of who I was yet again.  It all takes time and time is one thing that seems to be in abundance for me.

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