May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face, and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of His hand.
-Irish Blessing

Monday, July 18, 2011

Breathing a Sigh of Relief Today

Today I can breathe a sigh of relief. Today I dropped off a huge stack of paperwork along with precious vial of blood from each of us along with sweet little Eli's autopsy report for submission into the Potter's Syndrome study. Getting all five of us through a blood draw at the same time was no small feat. As luck would have it my oldest was the most nervous and was whimpering when the numbing cream was applied but it was my husband, who passed out in the operating room while holding her after her birth, who almost passed out today. I am very relieved to put the culmination of so many frustrating months almost entirely behind me. I will make sure that the autopsy samples are safely delivered before committing this experience to the farthest reaches of my memory. I pray that the only time we will hear from this study will be with the answers that we so desperately seek.


  1. I hope that you get what you are looking for.

    Love your blog (It looked so weird writing that, like I was some kind of sadist stalker, unfortunately, I too am a BLM so I imagine that you'll understand what I'm "really" saying, did I mention that I don't comment much because I feel like I never say the right thing...).

  2. Thank you. I know exactly what you mean. I too don't comment often so I get where you're coming from. Funny that we even worry about saying the "right things" to other BLMs. I think the problem is that there is so often no right thing to say because everyone's experience is a loss but there are so many different kinds and different situations and then of course based on how different we all are we each experience different reactions and emotions so even the right things for us might be wrong for someone else.



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